Land transferred by Native land owners to Pynchon & company.
Limited to 9 miles west of the Connecticut River.
SELECT the following paragraph to read Indian Deeds of Hamden County, and obtain reference pages.
Indian deeds of Hampden County: being copies of all land transfers from the Indians recorded in the county of Hampden, Massachusetts, and some deeds from other sources, together with notes and translations of Indian place names
"The high land." "The place where the road forks."
"The place where the river bends.." "The Land from where the water flows to us."
"The place where the river bends.."
Signed by: Chickwallop alias Wawhillowa, Nenessahalant, Nassicohee, Kiunks, Paquahalant, Assellaquompas & Awonuske ye wife of Willuther all of Nanotuck who are ye chief & proper owners of all the land on the west side of the Quinetticot River at Nanotuck. 24 September 1653.
THE Green and Walker Grant:
THE Green and Walker Grant:
Between the Westfield River on the West and 130 Rods (About) westerly from the Westhampton Town Line on the East. The Indians appear to have reserved a corridor measuring "about" 130 rods wide, southerly along the west border of Northampton (Now Westhampton) from Norwich Pond, extending over 500 rods. It excluded a pie shaped sliver of land between it and the 1738 Ingersoll grant. The colonists deemed this "unappropriated land.
The map below dated 1772 notes the Green and Walker Grant and includes the Ingersoll grant as well.
Land transferred by Native land owners: Eastern boundary was the Westfield River. It omitted the land from the Westfield River to the Westhampton Town Line. This was still owned by the Indians.
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Map Dated 1772. Source: History of the Town of Murrayfield: page 15 : NOTE: The distance from the north end of Norwich Lake to Route 66 is about 2.5 miles. 797 Rods is about 2.5 miles. Note also the diagonal formed by the north end of the Ingersoll Grant. A strip of Land reserved by the Indians. "One of the tracts given to make A HISTORY OF MURRAYFIELD. Page 15 Description of northern end of Ingersoll Grant.By deed dated August 1-tth, 1738, Ingersoll sold the north end of Westfield River Watershed Link |