Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Northern "Balanced" Rock Location

Standing Stones with white quartz in center. There is at least one foot of woodland debris surrounding them. 

Using The compass app to locate the expected alignment of the "earliest sunset" theory.  
December 8th, 9th and 10th, weather permitting. 

The compass needle kept "jumping around!"   I had two iPhones with me, so tried the other one. No help;  neither one would agree on "True West." You can see the North "Balanced"  Rock at 12 o'clock in the distance. The closer boulder proved to be the spot I was searching for.

Next concern; where along the  Rock would one "focus" attention at the crucial moment.

This "Balanced"  Rock doesn't have  a distinctive notch  like the Southern "Balanced" Rock does.

There was  a slight notch on the north facing corner, and close-up  I could see  some interesting  pecking. From the west, it suggested  a face. Walking around to the east side...the pecking was even more distinctive, especially under the "chin."
Is this for real? 
  A Handsome  head and shoulder portrait...about12  inches tall!
And On the west facing corner:  More pecking. A Fish?

Who was this artist? Was he the same fellow who put a sliver of rock in  the "mouth" of the Razor Back Turtle for a tongue?
The one who pecked out the "eye" on the Bird Effigy?
The one who created the bear effigy near the spring?
Were they all of the same generation, or created over many seasons and years?

The key positions for the sun are the two solstices and the two equinoxes, and for the moon the positions of the full moon closest to the two solstices at the times of the standstills. The easiest way of defining and recording such events for a society with no writing or instruments is by erecting permanent markers which cause a viewer to look towards the positions on the horizon where the sun or the moon will rise or set at the times in question. It is now accepted that this is part of the purpose of many of the standing stones, stone circles and chambered cairns erected in the late stone age or Neolithic period, and in the early Bronze age.

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